COMPASS: Computational Mapping of Patient-Therapist Alliance Strategies with Language Modeling


この論文では、心理療法セッションで使用される自然言語から治療協力関係を直接推論する新しいフレームワークである COMPASS を紹介します。
さまざまな神経トピック モデリング技術を生成言語プロンプトと組み合わせて使用​​することで、さまざまな精神疾患のトピックの特徴を分析し、時間モデリングを組み込んで、ターンレベルの解像度でトピックの展開を捉えます。


The therapeutic working alliance is a critical factor in predicting the success of psychotherapy treatment. Traditionally, working alliance assessment relies on questionnaires completed by both therapists and patients. In this paper, we present COMPASS, a novel framework to directly infer the therapeutic working alliance from the natural language used in psychotherapy sessions. Our approach utilizes advanced large language models to analyze transcripts of psychotherapy sessions and compare them with distributed representations of statements in the working alliance inventory. Analyzing a dataset of over 950 sessions covering diverse psychiatric conditions, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in microscopically mapping patient-therapist alignment trajectories and providing interpretability for clinical psychiatry and in identifying emerging patterns related to the condition being treated. By employing various neural topic modeling techniques in combination with generative language prompting, we analyze the topical characteristics of different psychiatric conditions and incorporate temporal modeling to capture the evolution of topics at a turn-level resolution. This combined framework enhances the understanding of therapeutic interactions, enabling timely feedback for therapists regarding conversation quality and providing interpretable insights to improve the effectiveness of psychotherapy.


著者 Baihan Lin,Djallel Bouneffouf,Yulia Landa,Rachel Jespersen,Cheryl Corcoran,Guillermo Cecchi
発行日 2024-02-22 16:56:44+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.HC, cs.LG, q-bio.NC パーマリンク