The Delusional Hedge Algorithm as a Model of Human Learning from Diverse Opinions


私たちは、多様な情報ソースから学習するための古典的なソリューションであるヘッジ アルゴリズムを拡張することで、そのようなシナリオでどの意見を信頼すべきかを人々がどのように学習できるかを検討します。
2 つの実験で、人間の判断と、標準ヘッジ、妄想ヘッジ、ヒューリスティック ベースライン モデルからの予測の間の整合性を調べます。


Whereas cognitive models of learning often assume direct experience with both the features of an event and with a true label or outcome, much of everyday learning arises from hearing the opinions of others, without direct access to either the experience or the ground truth outcome. We consider how people can learn which opinions to trust in such scenarios by extending the hedge algorithm: a classic solution for learning from diverse information sources. We first introduce a semi-supervised variant we call the delusional hedge capable of learning from both supervised and unsupervised experiences. In two experiments, we examine the alignment between human judgments and predictions from the standard hedge, the delusional hedge, and a heuristic baseline model. Results indicate that humans effectively incorporate both labeled and unlabeled information in a manner consistent with the delusional hedge algorithm — suggesting that human learners not only gauge the accuracy of information sources but also their consistency with other reliable sources. The findings advance our understanding of human learning from diverse opinions, with implications for the development of algorithms that better capture how people learn to weigh conflicting information sources.


著者 Yun-Shiuan Chuang,Jerry Zhu,Timothy T. Rogers
発行日 2024-02-21 16:48:07+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI パーマリンク