Tactile Perception in Upper Limb Prostheses: Mechanical Characterization, Human Experiments, and Computational Findings


私たちの研究では、異なる運動学と機械的特性を持つ 4 つの義手における振動触覚の知覚を調査しています。
私たちは、4 つの義手を介して伝わる振動に基づいて、義手使用者の指の接触を識別する能力を評価しました。


Our research investigates vibrotactile perception in four prosthetic hands with distinct kinematics and mechanical characteristics. We found that rigid and simple socket-based prosthetic devices can transmit tactile information and surprisingly enable users to identify the stimulated finger with high reliability. This ability decreases with more advanced prosthetic hands with additional articulations and softer mechanics. We conducted experiments to understand the underlying mechanisms. We assessed a prosthetic user’s ability to discriminate finger contacts based on vibrations transmitted through the four prosthetic hands. We also performed numerical and mechanical vibration tests on the prostheses and used a machine learning classifier to identify the contacted finger. Our results show that simpler and rigid prosthetic hands facilitate contact discrimination (for instance, a user of a purely cosmetic hand can distinguish a contact on the index finger from other fingers with 83% accuracy), but all tested hands, including soft advanced ones, performed above chance level. Despite advanced hands reducing vibration transmission, a machine learning algorithm still exceeded human performance in discriminating finger contacts. These findings suggest the potential for enhancing vibrotactile feedback in advanced prosthetic hands and lay the groundwork for future integration of such feedback in prosthetic devices.


著者 Alessia Silvia Ivani,Manuel G. Catalano,Giorgio Grioli,Matteo Bianchi,Yon Visell,Antonio Bicchi
発行日 2024-02-20 13:18:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク