Digital Comprehensibility Assessment of Simplified Texts among Persons with Intellectual Disabilities


自動テキスト簡略化モデルは、知的障害のある人など、簡略化テキストの主なターゲット グループではなく、専門家またはクラウドワーカーによって評価されるのが最も一般的です。
私たちは、理解度を測定するための 4 つの異なるアプローチ (多肢選択式理解度質問、知覚難易度評価、応答時間、および読解速度) を検討しました。


Text simplification refers to the process of increasing the comprehensibility of texts. Automatic text simplification models are most commonly evaluated by experts or crowdworkers instead of the primary target groups of simplified texts, such as persons with intellectual disabilities. We conducted an evaluation study of text comprehensibility including participants with and without intellectual disabilities reading unsimplified, automatically and manually simplified German texts on a tablet computer. We explored four different approaches to measuring comprehensibility: multiple-choice comprehension questions, perceived difficulty ratings, response time, and reading speed. The results revealed significant variations in these measurements, depending on the reader group and whether the text had undergone automatic or manual simplification. For the target group of persons with intellectual disabilities, comprehension questions emerged as the most reliable measure, while analyzing reading speed provided valuable insights into participants’ reading behavior.


著者 Andreas Säuberli,Franz Holzknecht,Patrick Haller,Silvana Deilen,Laura Schiffl,Silvia Hansen-Schirra,Sarah Ebling
発行日 2024-02-20 15:37:08+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.HC パーマリンク