Triple-Encoders: Representations That Fire Together, Wire Together


検索ベースのダイアログ モデルは通常、対話履歴を毎回再エンコードするため、高いコストがかかります。
経験的に、トリプル エンコーダーはバイ エンコーダーに比べて大幅な改善につながり、再エンコードを必要とせずに単一ベクトル表現モデルよりも優れたゼロショット汎化さえも実現できることがわかりました。


Search-based dialog models typically re-encode the dialog history at every turn, incurring high cost. Curved Contrastive Learning, a representation learning method that encodes relative distances between utterances into the embedding space via a bi-encoder, has recently shown promising results for dialog modeling at far superior efficiency. While high efficiency is achieved through independently encoding utterances, this ignores the importance of contextualization. To overcome this issue, this study introduces triple-encoders, which efficiently compute distributed utterance mixtures from these independently encoded utterances through a novel hebbian inspired co-occurrence learning objective without using any weights. Empirically, we find that triple-encoders lead to a substantial improvement over bi-encoders, and even to better zero-shot generalization than single-vector representation models without requiring re-encoding. Our code/model is publicly available.


著者 Justus-Jonas Erker,Florian Mai,Nils Reimers,Gerasimos Spanakis,Iryna Gurevych
発行日 2024-02-19 18:06:02+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク