Artificial Intelligence Model for Tumoral Clinical Decision Support Systems


提案されたアーキテクチャは、患者の腫瘍領域と健康な領域の両方で 0.474 の Dice 係数を取得し、これは以前の文献を上回ります。
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Comparative diagnostic in brain tumor evaluation makes possible to use the available information of a medical center to compare similar cases when a new patient is evaluated. By leveraging Artificial Intelligence models, the proposed system is able of retrieving the most similar cases of brain tumors for a given query. The primary objective is to enhance the diagnostic process by generating more accurate representations of medical images, with a particular focus on patient-specific normal features and pathologies. A key distinction from previous models lies in its ability to produce enriched image descriptors solely from binary information, eliminating the need for costly and difficult to obtain tumor segmentation. The proposed model uses Artificial Intelligence to detect patient features to recommend the most similar cases from a database. The system not only suggests similar cases but also balances the representation of healthy and abnormal features in its design. This not only encourages the generalization of its use but also aids clinicians in their decision-making processes. This generalization makes possible for future research in different medical diagnosis areas with almost not any change in the system. We conducted a comparative analysis of our approach in relation to similar studies. The proposed architecture obtains a Dice coefficient of 0.474 in both tumoral and healthy regions of the patients, which outperforms previous literature. Our proposed model excels at extracting and combining anatomical and pathological features from brain scans, achieving state-of-the-art results while relying on less expensive label information. This substantially reduces the overall cost of the training process. Our findings highlight the significant potential for improving the efficiency and accuracy of comparative diagnostics and the treatment of tumoral pathologies.


著者 Guillermo Iglesias,Edgar Talavera,Jesús Troya Garcìa,Alberto Díaz-Álvarez,Miguel Gracía-Remesal
発行日 2024-02-16 13:14:55+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.IR, eess.IV パーマリンク