Investigating Premature Convergence in Co-optimization of Morphology and Control in Evolved Virtual Soft Robots


大きな関心にもかかわらず、進化した仮想ソフト ロボットには複雑さが欠けており、形態と制御の同時最適化は依然として困難な問題です。
複雑さが異なる 2 つの形態空間と 2 つの環境での私たちの実験は、形態空間内に、形態と制御の同時最適化中には発見できないものの、依然として存在し、


Evolving virtual creatures is a field with a rich history and recently it has been getting more attention, especially in the soft robotics domain. The compliance of soft materials endows soft robots with complex behavior, but it also makes their design process unintuitive and in need of automated design. Despite the great interest, evolved virtual soft robots lack the complexity, and co-optimization of morphology and control remains a challenging problem. Prior work identifies and investigates a major issue with the co-optimization process — fragile co-adaptation of brain and body resulting in premature convergence of morphology. In this work, we expand the investigation of this phenomenon by comparing learnable controllers with proprioceptive observations and fixed controllers without any observations, whereas in the latter case, we only have the optimization of the morphology. Our experiments in two morphology spaces and two environments that vary in complexity show, concrete examples of the existence of high-performing regions in the morphology space that are not able to be discovered during the co-optimization of the morphology and control, yet exist and are easily findable when optimizing morphologies alone. Thus this work clearly demonstrates and characterizes the challenges of optimizing morphology during co-optimization. Based on these results, we propose a new body-centric framework to think about the co-optimization problem which helps us understand the issue from a search perspective. We hope the insights we share with this work attract more attention to the problem and help us to enable efficient brain-body co-optimization.


著者 Alican Mertan,Nick Cheney
発行日 2024-02-14 15:21:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.NE, cs.RO パーマリンク