Hybrid Machine Learning techniques in the management of harmful algal blooms impact


有害な藻類ブルーム (HAB) は、人間が摂取すると潜在的に有毒な高濃度の藻類が発生する現象です。
軟体動物の養殖は、ろ過摂食者として組織内に高濃度の海洋生物毒素を蓄積する可能性があるため、HAB の影響を受ける可能性があります。
これは主に、確立されたサンプリング プログラムによるデータの不規則性によるものです。
この目的のために、生産地の状態を推定する際に、ニューラルネットワーク追加ブートストラップ (BAGNET) と判別最近傍分類 (SVM-KNN) のようなハイブリッド機械学習モデルを比較しました。
その結果、BAGNET は、平均再現率 93.41% で、どの河口でも 90% を下回らず、結果と堅牢性の両方の点で他のモデルよりも優れていることがわかりました。


Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are episodes of high concentrations of algae that are potentially toxic for human consumption. Mollusc farming can be affected by HABs because, as filter feeders, they can accumulate high concentrations of marine biotoxins in their tissues. To avoid the risk to human consumption, harvesting is prohibited when toxicity is detected. At present, the closure of production areas is based on expert knowledge and the existence of a predictive model would help when conditions are complex and sampling is not possible. Although the concentration of toxin in meat is the method most commonly used by experts in the control of shellfish production areas, it is rarely used as a target by automatic prediction models. This is largely due to the irregularity of the data due to the established sampling programs. As an alternative, the activity status of production areas has been proposed as a target variable based on whether mollusc meat has a toxicity level below or above the legal limit. This new option is the most similar to the actual functioning of the control of shellfish production areas. For this purpose, we have made a comparison between hybrid machine learning models like Neural-Network-Adding Bootstrap (BAGNET) and Discriminative Nearest Neighbor Classification (SVM-KNN) when estimating the state of production areas. The study has been carried out in several estuaries with different levels of complexity in the episodes of algal blooms to demonstrate the generalization capacity of the models in bloom detection. As a result, we could observe that, with an average recall value of 93.41% and without dropping below 90% in any of the estuaries, BAGNET outperforms the other models both in terms of results and robustness.


著者 Andres Molares-Ulloa,Daniel Rivero,Jesus Gil Ruiz,Enrique Fernandez-Blanco,Luis de-la-Fuente-Valentín
発行日 2024-02-14 15:59:22+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, q-bio.QM パーマリンク