JeFaPaTo — A joint toolbox for blinking analysis and facial features extraction


顔の特徴と表情の分析は、コンピュータ ビジョンにおける複雑なタスクです。
興味深い領域の 1 つは、まばたきに伴う微妙な動きです。このプロセスはまだ完全には理解されておらず、詳細を理解するには高解像度の時間固有の分析が必要です。
ただし、大きな課題は、多くの高度なコンピューター ビジョン技術にはプログラミング スキルが必要であり、これらのスキルを持たない医療専門家にとっては利用しにくいことです。
Jena 顔面麻痺ツールボックス (JeFaPaTo) は、このギャップを埋めるために開発されました。
最先端のコンピューター ビジョン アルゴリズムを利用し、プログラミングの専門知識を持たない人にとっても使いやすいインターフェイスを提供します。


Analyzing facial features and expressions is a complex task in computer vision. The human face is intricate, with significant shape, texture, and appearance variations. In medical contexts, facial structures that differ from the norm, such as those affected by paralysis, are particularly important to study and require precise analysis. One area of interest is the subtle movements involved in blinking, a process that is not yet fully understood and needs high-resolution, time-specific analysis for detailed understanding. However, a significant challenge is that many advanced computer vision techniques demand programming skills, making them less accessible to medical professionals who may not have these skills. The Jena Facial Palsy Toolbox (JeFaPaTo) has been developed to bridge this gap. It utilizes cutting-edge computer vision algorithms and offers a user-friendly interface for those without programming expertise. This toolbox is designed to make advanced facial analysis more accessible to medical experts, simplifying integration into their workflow. The state of the eye closure is of high interest to medical experts, e.g., in the context of facial palsy or Parkinson’s disease. Due to facial nerve damage, the eye-closing process might be impaired and could lead to many undesirable side effects. Hence, more than a simple distinction between open and closed eyes is required for a detailed analysis. Factors such as duration, synchronicity, velocity, complete closure, the time between blinks, and frequency over time are highly relevant. Such detailed analysis could help medical experts better understand the blinking process, its deviations, and possible treatments for better eye care.


著者 Tim Büchner,Oliver Mothes,Orlando Guntinas-Lichius,Joachim Denzler
発行日 2024-02-13 13:18:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク