ROSE: Rotation-based Squeezing Robotic Gripper toward Universal Handling of Objects


それにもかかわらず、ROSE は掴んだ物体にかかる垂直圧力を大幅に軽減しながら、高い揚力 (最大 33kgf) を生成できます。
ROSE がオリーブオイルタンク内に沈んだ鶏卵を拾うことができるように、この包み込むメカニズムは、物体と膜の間の摩擦依存性を軽減するのに役立ちます。
また、幅広い物体に適合する設計の拡張性をアピールしながら、ROSE ハンドに触覚センシングを装備するための実現可能な設計についても報告します。


Robotics hand/grippers nowadays are not limited to manufacturing lines; instead, they are widely utilized in cluttered environments, such as restaurants, farms, and warehouses. In such scenarios, they need to deal with high uncertainty of the grasped objects’ shapes, postures, surfaces, and material properties, which requires complex integration of sensing and decision-making process. On the other hand, integrating soft materials into the gripper’s design may tolerate the above uncertainties and reduce complexity in control. In this paper, we introduce ROSE, a novel soft gripper that can embrace the object and squeeze it by buckling a funnel-liked thin-walled soft membrane around the object by simple rotation of the base. Thanks to this design, ROSE hand can adapt to a wide range of objects that can fit in the funnel and handle with gentle gripping force. Regardless of this, ROSE can generate a high lift force (up to 33kgf) while significantly reducing the normal pressure on the gripped objects. In our experiment, a 198g ROSE can be integrated into a robot arm with a single actuation and successfully lift various types of objects, even after 400,000 trials. The embracing mechanism helps reduce the dependence of friction between the object and the membrane, as ROSE could pick up a chicken egg submerged inside an olive oil tank. We also report a feasible design for equipping the ROSE hand with tactile sensing while appealing to the scalability of the design to fit a wide range of objects. Video:


著者 Son Tien Bui,Shinya Kawano,Van Anh Ho
発行日 2024-02-10 08:23:13+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク