Graph Neural Networks for Road Safety Modeling: Datasets and Evaluations for Accident Analysis


この論文は、米国のさまざまな州の公式報告書から、道路網や交通量の報告書を伴う、合計 900 万件の交通事故記録の大規模で統一されたデータセットを構築しています。
私たちの主な発見は、GraphSAGE などのグラフ ニューラル ネットワークは、平均絶対誤差 (実際の件数と比較して) 22% 未満で道路上の事故の件数を正確に予測でき、平均 87% 以上の AUROC で事故が発生するかどうかを正確に予測できることです。
私たちは、マルチタスク学習を使用して州間の変動性 (事故ラベルの可用性など) を考慮し、転移学習を使用して交通量と事故予測を組み合わせることで、これらの結果を達成しました。


We consider the problem of traffic accident analysis on a road network based on road network connections and traffic volume. Previous works have designed various deep-learning methods using historical records to predict traffic accident occurrences. However, there is a lack of consensus on how accurate existing methods are, and a fundamental issue is the lack of public accident datasets for comprehensive evaluations. This paper constructs a large-scale, unified dataset of traffic accident records from official reports of various states in the US, totaling 9 million records, accompanied by road networks and traffic volume reports. Using this new dataset, we evaluate existing deep-learning methods for predicting the occurrence of accidents on road networks. Our main finding is that graph neural networks such as GraphSAGE can accurately predict the number of accidents on roads with less than 22% mean absolute error (relative to the actual count) and whether an accident will occur or not with over 87% AUROC, averaged over states. We achieve these results by using multitask learning to account for cross-state variabilities (e.g., availability of accident labels) and transfer learning to combine traffic volume with accident prediction. Ablation studies highlight the importance of road graph-structural features, amongst other features. Lastly, we discuss the implications of the analysis and develop a package for easily using our new dataset.


著者 Abhinav Nippani,Dongyue Li,Haotian Ju,Haris N. Koutsopoulos,Hongyang R. Zhang
発行日 2024-02-12 17:09:19+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.SI パーマリンク