SLAM for Visually Impaired People: a Survey


同時に、同時位置特定およびマッピング (SLAM) 技術は、これらの支援技術の開発に採用できるほど堅牢かつ効率的になりました。
2017 年以降に出版された文献に焦点を当て、視覚障害者向けの SLAM ベースのソリューションに関する最近の 54 件の研究をまとめた初の体系的な文献レビューを紹介します。
SLAM テクノロジーが視覚障害者の効果的なナビゲーション能力を向上させる可能性をどのように提供するかを説明します。


In recent decades, several assistive technologies have been developed to improve the ability of blind and visually impaired individuals to navigate independently and safely. At the same time, simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) techniques have become sufficiently robust and efficient to be adopted in developing these assistive technologies. We present the first systematic literature review of 54 recent studies on SLAM-based solutions for blind and visually impaired people, focusing on literature published from 2017 onward. This review explores various localization and mapping techniques employed in this context. We discuss the advantages and limitations of these techniques for blind and visually impaired navigation. Moreover, we examine the major challenges described across studies. We explain how SLAM technology offers the potential to improve the ability of visually impaired individuals to navigate effectively. Finally, we present future opportunities and challenges in this domain.


著者 Marziyeh Bamdad,Davide Scaramuzza,Alireza Darvishy
発行日 2024-02-09 06:25:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク