Intelligent Mode-switching Framework for Teleoperation


遠隔操作は、オペレーター側の知覚の限界、通信遅延の多さ、および自由度 (DoF) の制限により、非常に困難になる場合があります。
ユーザーの意図認識に基づいて、深層強化学習 (DRL) エージェントがトレーニングされ、オペレーター側に展開され、自律モードと遠隔操作モードをシームレスに切り替えます。
ユーザーの意図認識と DRL アルゴリズムの両方をトレーニングするために、実世界のデータセットが遠隔操作テストベッドから収集されます。


Teleoperation can be very difficult due to limited perception, high communication latency, and limited degrees of freedom (DoFs) at the operator side. Autonomous teleoperation is proposed to overcome this difficulty by predicting user intentions and performing some parts of the task autonomously to decrease the demand on the operator and increase the task completion rate. However, decision-making for mode-switching is generally assumed to be done by the operator, which brings an extra DoF to be controlled by the operator and introduces extra mental demand. On the other hand, the communication perspective is not investigated in the current literature, although communication imperfections and resource limitations are the main bottlenecks for teleoperation. In this study, we propose an intelligent mode-switching framework by jointly considering mode-switching and communication systems. User intention recognition is done at the operator side. Based on user intention recognition, a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) agent is trained and deployed at the operator side to seamlessly switch between autonomous and teleoperation modes. A real-world data set is collected from our teleoperation testbed to train both user intention recognition and DRL algorithms. Our results show that the proposed framework can achieve up to 50% communication load reduction with improved task completion probability.


著者 Burak Kizilkaya,Changyang She,Guodong Zhao,Muhammad Ali Imran
発行日 2024-02-08 20:38:35+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.NI, cs.RO パーマリンク