Towards a Thermodynamical Deep-Learning-Vision-Based Flexible Robotic Cell for Circular Healthcare


原材料の有限埋蔵量への依存と廃棄物の生成は、従来の線形経済の 2 つの未解決の問題です。
当社の熱力学フレームワークは、通常の物質収支に動的エネルギー収支を追加することで物質流動解析 (MFA) を改善するため、循環物質流動設計の理論的基礎を定義する上でも一歩前進です。


The dependence on finite reserves of raw materials and the production of waste are two unsolved problems of the traditional linear economy. Healthcare, as a major sector of any nation, is currently facing them. Hence, in this paper, we report theoretical and practical advances of robotic reprocessing of small medical devices. Specifically, on the theory, we combine compartmental dynamical thermodynamics with the mechanics of robots to integrate robotics into a system-level perspective, and then, propose graph-based circularity indicators by leveraging our thermodynamic framework. Our thermodynamic framework is also a step forward in defining the theoretical foundations of circular material flow designs as it improves material flow analysis (MFA) by adding dynamical energy balances to the usual mass balances. On the practice, we report on the on-going design of a flexible robotic cell enabled by deep-learning vision for resources mapping and quantification, disassembly, and waste sorting of small medical devices.


著者 Federico Zocco,Denis Sleath,Shahin Rahimifard
発行日 2024-02-08 10:38:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク