AINS: Affordable Indoor Navigation Solution via Line Color Identification Using Mono-Camera for Autonomous Vehicles


屋内ナビゲーション システムの自動運転車には、特に屋内シナリオにおける GPS の精度の限界という多くの課題があります。
上記の問題に対処するために、私たちは単眼カメラに基づいた Affordable Indoor Navigation Solution (AINS) と呼ばれる自動運転車用の低コストの屋内ナビゲーション方法を提案しました。
私たちが提案するソリューションは、距離計やその他のナビゲーション センサーなど、経路を見つけるためにさまざまな巨大なセンサーや電力効率の悪いセンサーに依存することなく、主にモノラル カメラに基づいています。


Recently, researchers have been exploring various ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of autonomous vehicles by researching new methods, especially for indoor scenarios. Autonomous Vehicles in indoor navigation systems possess many challenges especially the limited accuracy of GPS in indoor scenarios. Several, robust methods have been explored for autonomous vehicles in indoor scenarios to solve this problem, but the ineffectiveness of the proposed methods is the high deployment cost. To address the above-mentioned problems we have presented A low-cost indoor navigation method for autonomous vehicles called Affordable Indoor Navigation Solution (AINS) which is based on based on Monocular Camera. Our proposed solution is mainly based on a mono camera without relying on various huge or power-inefficient sensors to find the path, such as range finders and other navigation sensors. Our proposed method shows that we can deploy autonomous vehicles indoor navigation systems while taking into consideration the cost. We can observe that the results shown by our solution are better than existing solutions and we can reduce the estimated error and time consumption.


著者 Nizamuddin Maitlo,Nooruddin Noonari,Kaleem Arshid,Naveed Ahmed,Sathishkumar Duraisamy
発行日 2024-02-07 11:08:05+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク