Shifting social norms as a driving force for linguistic change: Struggles about language and gender in the German Bundestag


私たちは、ドイツにおける重要な政治社会空間の 1 つであるドイツ連邦議会への貢献に焦点を当てています。
我々は、これが連邦議会の言語慣行にどのように反映されているかを、a) ゲイとレズビアンの呼称を使用して実証します。
b) B\’urgerinnen und B\’urger などのペア形式 (女性市民と男性市民)。
c) 女性形式の住所および人名詞 (「Pr\’asident」に加えて「Pr\’asidentin」)。
最後に、ジェンダー包含言語、特にアスタリスクやコロンなどの性別記号を含む新しい形式 (Lehrer*innen、Lehrer:innen; 男性 * 女性教師) に関する現在非常に白熱している議論に対する、これら初期の言語闘争の影響について議論します。


This paper focuses on language change based on shifting social norms, in particular with regard to the debate on language and gender. It is a recurring argument in this debate that language develops ‘naturally’ and that ‘severe interventions’ – such as gender-inclusive language is often claimed to be – in the allegedly ‘organic’ language system are inappropriate and even ‘dangerous’. Such interventions are, however, not unprecedented. Socially motivated processes of language change are neither unusual nor new. We focus in our contribution on one important political-social space in Germany, the German Bundestag. Taking other struggles about language and gender in the plenaries of the Bundestag as a starting point, our article illustrates that language and gender has been a recurring issue in the German Bundestag since the 1980s. We demonstrate how this is reflected in linguistic practices of the Bundestag, by the use of a) designations for gays and lesbians; b) pair forms such as B\’urgerinnen und B\’urger (female and male citizens); and c) female forms of addresses and personal nouns (‘Pr\’asidentin’ in addition to ‘Pr\’asident’). Lastly, we will discuss implications of these earlier language battles for the currently very heated debate about gender-inclusive language, especially regarding new forms with gender symbols like the asterisk or the colon (Lehrer*innen, Lehrer:innen; male*female teachers) which are intended to encompass all gender identities.


著者 Carolin Müller-Spitzer,Samira Ochs
発行日 2024-02-06 10:49:28+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク