Social Robot Navigation with Adaptive Proxemics Based on Emotions


この論文の主な目的は、ソーシャル ナビゲーション フレームワークへの感情の統合を調査し、ナビゲーションと人間の生理学的安全性および快適さの両方に対する感情の影響を分析することです。
私たちはシミュレートされた環境でいくつかのケーススタディを設計し、3 つの異なる感情を調査し​​ました。
ロボットのナビゲーションに関する印象を調査し、人間の安全性と快適性の測定結果を比較するために、70 人の参加者を対象に調査研究が実施されました。


The primary aim of this paper is to investigate the integration of emotions into the social navigation framework to analyse its effect on both navigation and human physiological safety and comfort. The proposed framework uses leg detection to find the whereabouts of people and computes adaptive proxemic zones based on their emotional state. We designed several case studies in a simulated environment and examined 3 different emotions; positive (happy), neutral and negative (angry). A survey study was conducted with 70 participants to explore their impressions about the navigation of the robot and compare the human safety and comfort measurements results. Both survey and simulation results showed that integrating emotions into proxemic zones has a significant effect on the physical safety of a human. The results revealed that when a person is angry, the robot is expected to navigate further than the standard distance to support his/her physiological comfort and safety. The results also showed that reducing the navigation distance is not preferred when a person is happy.


著者 Baris Bilen,Hasan Kivrak Pinar Uluer,Hatice Kose
発行日 2024-01-31 08:32:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク