Navigating the OverKill in Large Language Models


これらの洞察に基づいて、この現象を軽減するために、トレーニング不要でモデルに依存しない戦略である自己対比復号 (Self-CD) を導入します。
まず、安全性の強調を含むまたは省略するシステム プロンプトに応答するときのモデルの出力分布の違いを増幅することによって、そのような過剰な注意を抽出します。
経験的な結果は、私たちの方法が安全性にほとんど影響を与えずに、拒否率の平均 20% の削減を達成したことを示しています。


Large language models are meticulously aligned to be both helpful and harmless. However, recent research points to a potential overkill which means models may refuse to answer benign queries. In this paper, we investigate the factors for overkill by exploring how models handle and determine the safety of queries. Our findings reveal the presence of shortcuts within models, leading to an over-attention of harmful words like ‘kill’ and prompts emphasizing safety will exacerbate overkill. Based on these insights, we introduce Self-Contrastive Decoding (Self-CD), a training-free and model-agnostic strategy, to alleviate this phenomenon. We first extract such over-attention by amplifying the difference in the model’s output distributions when responding to system prompts that either include or omit an emphasis on safety. Then we determine the final next-token predictions by downplaying the over-attention from the model via contrastive decoding. Empirical results indicate that our method has achieved an average reduction of the refusal rate by 20\% while having almost no impact on safety.


著者 Chenyu Shi,Xiao Wang,Qiming Ge,Songyang Gao,Xianjun Yang,Tao Gui,Qi Zhang,Xuanjing Huang,Xun Zhao,Dahua Lin
発行日 2024-01-31 07:26:47+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク