Causal Discovery by Kernel Deviance Measures with Heterogeneous Transforms


因果関係発見手法の 1 つのクラスは、因果関係の方向と反因果関係の方向の間には固有の構造的非対称性があり、それを因果関係の方向を決定する際に利用できるという議論に基づいて確立されています。
この研究では、RKHS 埋め込みに基づくこのようなアプローチは、条件付き分布の高次の構造変動を伴う因果関係の非対称性の主要なマーカーを捕捉するには不十分であると主張します。
我々は、Kernel Intrinsic Invariance Measure with Heterogeneous Transform (KIIM-HT) を提案します。これは、因果関係発見のための条件付き密度の関連する高次モーメントを抽出するために、RKHS 埋め込みの不均一変換に基づく新しいスコア測定を導入します。
合成データセット、2 次元合成データセット、および現実世界のベンチマーク データセット T\’ubingen 原因と結果のペアでのテストと比較により、私たちのアプローチが検証されます。


The discovery of causal relationships in a set of random variables is a fundamental objective of science and has also recently been argued as being an essential component towards real machine intelligence. One class of causal discovery techniques are founded based on the argument that there are inherent structural asymmetries between the causal and anti-causal direction which could be leveraged in determining the direction of causation. To go about capturing these discrepancies between cause and effect remains to be a challenge and many current state-of-the-art algorithms propose to compare the norms of the kernel mean embeddings of the conditional distributions. In this work, we argue that such approaches based on RKHS embeddings are insufficient in capturing principal markers of cause-effect asymmetry involving higher-order structural variabilities of the conditional distributions. We propose Kernel Intrinsic Invariance Measure with Heterogeneous Transform (KIIM-HT) which introduces a novel score measure based on heterogeneous transformation of RKHS embeddings to extract relevant higher-order moments of the conditional densities for causal discovery. Inference is made via comparing the score of each hypothetical cause-effect direction. Tests and comparisons on a synthetic dataset, a two-dimensional synthetic dataset and the real-world benchmark dataset T\’ubingen Cause-Effect Pairs verify our approach. In addition, we conduct a sensitivity analysis to the regularization parameter to faithfully compare previous work to our method and an experiment with trials on varied hyperparameter values to showcase the robustness of our algorithm.


著者 Tim Tse,Zhitang Chen,Shengyu Zhu,Yue Liu
発行日 2024-01-31 17:28:05+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク