Explaining Explanations in Probabilistic Logic Programming


アプローチによっては、システムが透明ではないため (「ブラック ボックス」と呼ばれることが多い)、適切な説明を生成することが困難になります。
ただし、この研究では、(知識表現のための) 論理プログラミングと (不確実性をモデル化するための) 確率の組み合わせである確率的論理プログラミングを考慮します。
ただし、特定のクエリが与えられた場合、「説明」という通常の概念は、モデルの確率変数ごとに 1 つずつ、一連​​の選択肢に関連付けられます。


The emergence of tools based on artificial intelligence has also led to the need of producing explanations which are understandable by a human being. In some approaches, the system is not transparent (often referred to as a ‘black box’), making it difficult to generate appropriate explanations. In this work, though, we consider probabilistic logic programming, a combination of logic programming (for knowledge representation) and probability (to model uncertainty). In this setting, one can say that models are interpretable, which eases its understanding. However, given a particular query, the usual notion of ‘explanation’ is associated with a set of choices, one for each random variable of the model. Unfortunately, this set does not have a causal structure and, in fact, some of the choices are actually irrelevant to the considered query. In order to overcome these shortcomings, we present an approach to explaining explanations which is based on the definition of a query-driven inference mechanism for probabilistic logic programs.


著者 Germán Vidal
発行日 2024-01-30 14:27:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.PL パーマリンク