Cross-Lingual Transfer from Related Languages: Treating Low-Resource Maltese as Multilingual Code-Switching


多言語言語モデルは、目に見えない言語に対して優れた言語間転送機能を示しますが、多言語モデルの事前トレーニング データで使用されている言語とスクリプトに差異がある場合、下流タスクのパフォーマンスは影響を受けます。
処理されたデータを 4 つの下流タスクで微調整し、単語の語源に基づいた条件付き音訳が最良の結果をもたらし、生のマルタ語または非選択パイプラインで処理されたマルタ語による微調整を上回っていることを示します。


Although multilingual language models exhibit impressive cross-lingual transfer capabilities on unseen languages, the performance on downstream tasks is impacted when there is a script disparity with the languages used in the multilingual model’s pre-training data. Using transliteration offers a straightforward yet effective means to align the script of a resource-rich language with a target language, thereby enhancing cross-lingual transfer capabilities. However, for mixed languages, this approach is suboptimal, since only a subset of the language benefits from the cross-lingual transfer while the remainder is impeded. In this work, we focus on Maltese, a Semitic language, with substantial influences from Arabic, Italian, and English, and notably written in Latin script. We present a novel dataset annotated with word-level etymology. We use this dataset to train a classifier that enables us to make informed decisions regarding the appropriate processing of each token in the Maltese language. We contrast indiscriminate transliteration or translation to mixing processing pipelines that only transliterate words of Arabic origin, thereby resulting in text with a mixture of scripts. We fine-tune the processed data on four downstream tasks and show that conditional transliteration based on word etymology yields the best results, surpassing fine-tuning with raw Maltese or Maltese processed with non-selective pipelines.


著者 Kurt Micallef,Nizar Habash,Claudia Borg,Fadhl Eryani,Houda Bouamor
発行日 2024-01-30 11:04:36+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク