SSDOnt: an Ontology for representing Single-Subject Design Studies


背景: 単一被験者のデザインは、教育や生物医学などのいくつかの分野で使用されています。
目的: 単一主題の設計スタディを記述し、注釈を付けるための特定目的オントロジーである SSDOnt を提示し、後でそれらについて複雑な質問をできるようにすること。
方法: オントロジーは NeOn 方法論に従って開発されました。
オントロジーの要件が定義されると、形式モデルが記述ロジックで記述され、その後オントロジー言語 OWL 2 DL で実装されます。
結果: オントロジーが、単一被験者の設計スタディとその主要コンポーネント (フェーズ、介入タイプ、結果、結果など) の注釈付けと検索に適した用語を備えた参照モデルをどのように提供するかを示します。
結論: SSDOnt は、単一主題の研究研究の領域の説明をカバーするという目的を達成しました。


Background: Single-Subject Design is used in several areas such as education and biomedicine. However, no suited formal vocabulary exists for annotating the detailed configuration and the results of this type of research studies with the appropriate granularity for looking for information about them. Therefore, the search for those study designs relies heavily on a syntactical search on the abstract, keywords or full text of the publications about the study, which entails some limitations. Objective: To present SSDOnt, a specific purpose ontology for describing and annotating single-subject design studies, so that complex questions can be asked about them afterwards. Methods: The ontology was developed following the NeOn methodology. Once the requirements of the ontology were defined, a formal model was described in a Description Logic and later implemented in the ontology language OWL 2 DL. Results: We show how the ontology provides a reference model with a suitable terminology for the annotation and searching of single-subject design studies and their main components, such as the phases, the intervention types, the outcomes and the results. Some mappings with terms of related ontologies have been established. We show as proof-of-concept that classes in the ontology can be easily extended to annotate more precise information about specific interventions and outcomes such as those related to autism. Moreover, we provide examples of some types of queries that can be posed to the ontology. Conclusions: SSDOnt has achieved the purpose of covering the descriptions of the domain of single-subject research studies.


著者 Idoia Berges,Jesús Bermúdez,Arantza Illarramendi
発行日 2024-01-26 15:11:31+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI パーマリンク