Modeling Considerations for Developing Deep Space Autonomous Spacecraft and Simulators


ただし、任意の範囲でのモデリングの前提条件とトレードオフについての理解が限られているため、システム レベルの機能をサポートするオンボード モデルを設計することは大きな課題となります。
私たちは、宇宙船自律アルゴリズムを開発するためのソフトウェア スイートである Multi-Spacecraft Concept and Autonomy Tool (MuSCAT) で実験を実施します。


To extend the limited scope of autonomy used in prior missions for operation in distant and complex environments, there is a need to further develop and mature autonomy that jointly reasons over multiple subsystems, which we term system-level autonomy. System-level autonomy establishes situational awareness that resolves conflicting information across subsystems, which may necessitate the refinement and interconnection of the underlying spacecraft and environment onboard models. However, with a limited understanding of the assumptions and tradeoffs of modeling to arbitrary extents, designing onboard models to support system-level capabilities presents a significant challenge. In this paper, we provide a detailed analysis of the increasing levels of model fidelity for several key spacecraft subsystems, with the goal of informing future spacecraft functional- and system-level autonomy algorithms and the physics-based simulators on which they are validated. We do not argue for the adoption of a particular fidelity class of models but, instead, highlight the potential tradeoffs and opportunities associated with the use of models for onboard autonomy and in physics-based simulators at various fidelity levels. We ground our analysis in the context of deep space exploration of small bodies, an emerging frontier for autonomous spacecraft operation in space, where the choice of models employed onboard the spacecraft may determine mission success. We conduct our experiments in the Multi-Spacecraft Concept and Autonomy Tool (MuSCAT), a software suite for developing spacecraft autonomy algorithms.


著者 Christopher Agia,Guillem Casadesus Vila,Saptarshi Bandyopadhyay,David S. Bayard,Kar-Ming Cheung,Charles H. Lee,Eric Wood,Ian Aenishanslin,Steven Ardito,Lorraine Fesq,Marco Pavone,Issa A. D. Nesnas
発行日 2024-01-21 02:14:09+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY, I.2.8 パーマリンク