Haptic-Assisted Collaborative Robot Framework for Improved Situational Awareness in Skull Base Surgery


この論文では、頭蓋底手術におけるドリリング支援に合わせて調整された協調制御ロボット システムを紹介します。
システムの性能と有効性を検証するために、医学生 1 名と経験豊富な外科医 2 名を参加させた最初の実現可能性実験を実施しました。


Skull base surgery is a demanding field in which surgeons operate in and around the skull while avoiding critical anatomical structures including nerves and vasculature. While image-guided surgical navigation is the prevailing standard, limitation still exists requiring personalized planning and recognizing the irreplaceable role of a skilled surgeon. This paper presents a collaboratively controlled robotic system tailored for assisted drilling in skull base surgery. Our central hypothesis posits that this collaborative system, enriched with haptic assistive modes to enforce virtual fixtures, holds the potential to significantly enhance surgical safety, streamline efficiency, and alleviate the physical demands on the surgeon. The paper describes the intricate system development work required to enable these virtual fixtures through haptic assistive modes. To validate our system’s performance and effectiveness, we conducted initial feasibility experiments involving a medical student and two experienced surgeons. The experiment focused on drilling around critical structures following cortical mastoidectomy, utilizing dental stone phantom and cadaveric models. Our experimental results demonstrate that our proposed haptic feedback mechanism enhances the safety of drilling around critical structures compared to systems lacking haptic assistance. With the aid of our system, surgeons were able to safely skeletonize the critical structures without breaching any critical structure even under obstructed view of the surgical site.


著者 Hisashi Ishida,Manish Sahu,Adnan Munawar,Nimesh Nagururu,Deepa Galaiya,Peter Kazanzides,Francis X. Creighton,Russell H. Taylor
発行日 2024-01-22 06:20:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク