Catastrophic Interference is Mitigated in Naturalistic Power-Law Learning Environments


ニューラル ネットワークは、壊滅的な干渉 (CI) に悩まされることがよくあります。新しいタスクを学習すると、以前に学習したタスクのパフォーマンスが大幅に低下します。
これまでの研究では、正則化、リハーサル、生成再生、蒸留法など、CI を軽減するためのさまざまな手法が検討されてきました。
私たちは、CI を軽減するための技術の現実的な評価は、模擬された自然主義的な学習環境で実行されるべきであると主張します。
したがって、人間が直面するものと同様のべき乗則環境で単純なリハーサルベースのメソッドをトレーニングする場合の CI の緩和の程度を評価します。
私たちの研究では、ドメイン増分タスク、つまり MNIST タスクでの順列の学習に対するこの新しいリハーサルベースのアプローチを調査しています。
このトレーニング パラダイムの利点には、シンプルさと追加の神経回路が不要であることが含まれます。


Neural networks often suffer from catastrophic interference (CI): performance on previously learned tasks drops off significantly when learning a new task. This contrasts strongly with humans, who can sequentially learn new tasks without appreciably forgetting previous tasks. Prior work has explored various techniques for mitigating CI such as regularization, rehearsal, generative replay, and distillation methods. The current work takes a different approach, one guided by cognitive science research showing that in naturalistic environments, the probability of encountering a task decreases as a power-law of the time since it was last performed. We argue that a realistic evaluation of techniques for the mitigation of CI should be performed in simulated naturalistic learning environments. Thus, we evaluate the extent of mitigation of CI when training simple rehearsal-based methods in power-law environments similar to the ones humans face. Our work explores this novel rehearsal-based approach for a domain-incremental task: learning permutations in the MNIST task. We compare our rehearsal environment with other baselines to show its efficacy in promoting continual learning. Additionally, we investigate whether this environment shows forward facilitation, i.e., faster learning of later tasks. Next, we explore the robustness of our learning environment to the number of tasks, model size, and amount of data rehearsed after each task. Notably, our results show that the performance is comparable or superior to that of models trained using popular regularization methods and also to rehearsals in non-power-law environments. The benefits of this training paradigm include simplicity and the lack of a need for extra neural circuitry. In addition, because our method is orthogonal to other methods, future research can combine training in power-law environments with other continual learning mechanisms.


著者 Atith Gandhi,Raj Sanjay Shah,Vijay Marupudi,Sashank Varma
発行日 2024-01-22 12:04:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク