Hacking Predictors Means Hacking Cars: Using Sensitivity Analysis to Identify Trajectory Prediction Vulnerabilities for Autonomous Driving Security


この論文では、Trajectron++ と AgentFormer という 2 つの軌道予測モデルの感度分析を実行します。
すべての入力間で、Trajectron++ のほとんどすべての摂動感度は最新の状態履歴時点内にのみ存在するのに対し、AgentFormer の摂動感度は時間の経過とともに状態履歴全体に広がっていることが観察されます。


Adversarial attacks on learning-based trajectory predictors have already been demonstrated. However, there are still open questions about the effects of perturbations on trajectory predictor inputs other than state histories, and how these attacks impact downstream planning and control. In this paper, we conduct a sensitivity analysis on two trajectory prediction models, Trajectron++ and AgentFormer. We observe that between all inputs, almost all of the perturbation sensitivities for Trajectron++ lie only within the most recent state history time point, while perturbation sensitivities for AgentFormer are spread across state histories over time. We additionally demonstrate that, despite dominant sensitivity on state history perturbations, an undetectable image map perturbation made with the Fast Gradient Sign Method can induce large prediction error increases in both models. Even though image maps may contribute slightly to the prediction output of both models, this result reveals that rather than being robust to adversarial image perturbations, trajectory predictors are susceptible to image attacks. Using an optimization-based planner and example perturbations crafted from sensitivity results, we show how this vulnerability can cause a vehicle to come to a sudden stop from moderate driving speeds.


著者 Marsalis Gibson,David Babazadeh,Claire Tomlin,Shankar Sastry
発行日 2024-01-18 18:47:29+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CR, cs.LG, cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク