Model Compression Techniques in Biometrics Applications: A Survey


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この論文は、バイオメトリクス アプリケーションにおけるモデル圧縮技術、つまり量子化、知識の蒸留、枝刈りに関する包括的な調査を提示することにより、このトピックに関する現在の文献を体系化することを目的としています。


The development of deep learning algorithms has extensively empowered humanity’s task automatization capacity. However, the huge improvement in the performance of these models is highly correlated with their increasing level of complexity, limiting their usefulness in human-oriented applications, which are usually deployed in resource-constrained devices. This led to the development of compression techniques that drastically reduce the computational and memory costs of deep learning models without significant performance degradation. This paper aims to systematize the current literature on this topic by presenting a comprehensive survey of model compression techniques in biometrics applications, namely quantization, knowledge distillation and pruning. We conduct a critical analysis of the comparative value of these techniques, focusing on their advantages and disadvantages and presenting suggestions for future work directions that can potentially improve the current methods. Additionally, we discuss and analyze the link between model bias and model compression, highlighting the need to direct compression research toward model fairness in future works.


著者 Eduarda Caldeira,Pedro C. Neto,Marco Huber,Naser Damer,Ana F. Sequeira
発行日 2024-01-18 17:06:21+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク