Phase-free Dynamic Movement Primitives Applied to Kinesthetic Guidance in Robotic Co-manipulation Tasks


参照モーションに基づいてロボット タスクを定義して適応させる必要がある場合、Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMP) は、それをエンコードするための標準的で効率的な方法です。
公称軌道は通常、ロボットに運動感覚の誘導を通じて特定のタスクを教える、デモンストレーションによるプログラミング (PbD) アプローチを通じて取得されます。
それどころか、このペーパーの目標は、DMP にエンコードされたタスクの幾何学的情報と、実行を支配する位相法則との間の完全な切り離しを実現し、それらを独立して選択できるようにすることです。


When there is a need to define and adapt a robotic task based on a reference motion, Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMP) is a standard and efficient method for encoding it. The nominal trajectory is typically obtained through a Programming by Demonstration (PbD) approach, where the robot is taught a specific task through kinesthetic guidance. Subsequently, the motion is reproduced by the manipulator in terms of both geometric path and timing law. The basic approach for modifying the duration of the execution involves adjusting a time constant characterizing the model. On the contrary, the goal of this paper is to achieve complete decoupling between the geometric information of the task, encoded into the DMP, and the phase law governing the execution, allowing them to be chosen independently. This enables the optimization of the task duration to satisfy constraints such as velocity or acceleration or even to define a phase law dependent on external inputs, such as the force applied by a user in a co-manipulation task. As an example, this mechanism will be exploited to define a rehabilitation activity where the cobot assists humans in performing various pre-planned exercises.


著者 Giovanni Braglia,Davide Tebaldi,Luigi Biagiotti
発行日 2024-01-16 09:49:19+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク