Exploring Phonetic Context-Aware Lip-Sync For Talking Face Generation


CALS は、Audio-to-Lip モジュールと Lip-to-Face モジュールで構成されます。
広範な実験から、提案された CALS フレームワークで音声コンテキストを利用するだけで、時空間の整合性が効果的に強化されることが確認されました。
また、音声コンテキストが口唇同期にどの程度役立つかを実証し、口唇生成の有効ウィンドウ サイズが約 1.2 秒であることを発見しました。


Talking face generation is the challenging task of synthesizing a natural and realistic face that requires accurate synchronization with a given audio. Due to co-articulation, where an isolated phone is influenced by the preceding or following phones, the articulation of a phone varies upon the phonetic context. Therefore, modeling lip motion with the phonetic context can generate more spatio-temporally aligned lip movement. In this respect, we investigate the phonetic context in generating lip motion for talking face generation. We propose Context-Aware Lip-Sync framework (CALS), which explicitly leverages phonetic context to generate lip movement of the target face. CALS is comprised of an Audio-to-Lip module and a Lip-to-Face module. The former is pretrained based on masked learning to map each phone to a contextualized lip motion unit. The contextualized lip motion unit then guides the latter in synthesizing a target identity with context-aware lip motion. From extensive experiments, we verify that simply exploiting the phonetic context in the proposed CALS framework effectively enhances spatio-temporal alignment. We also demonstrate the extent to which the phonetic context assists in lip synchronization and find the effective window size for lip generation to be approximately 1.2 seconds.


著者 Se Jin Park,Minsu Kim,Jeongsoo Choi,Yong Man Ro
発行日 2024-01-16 03:26:22+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.SD, eess.AS, eess.IV パーマリンク