Achieve Fairness without Demographics for Dermatological Disease Diagnosis


偏見を軽減しなければ、不公平な AI を導入すると、恵まれない人々の利益が損なわれ、社会が引き裂かれる可能性があります。
最近の研究では、トレーニング中に人口統計 (機密属性) 情報を利用することで、人口統計グループ (性別、年齢、人種など) に関する深層学習モデルの予測バイアスに対処しています。
さらに、Segment Anything Model (SAM) の疾患マスクを使用して、学習された特徴の品質を向上させます。
実験結果は、提案された方法が 2 つの皮膚疾患データセットにおける最先端の方法と比較して分類の公平性を向上できることを示しています。


In medical image diagnosis, fairness has become increasingly crucial. Without bias mitigation, deploying unfair AI would harm the interests of the underprivileged population and potentially tear society apart. Recent research addresses prediction biases in deep learning models concerning demographic groups (e.g., gender, age, and race) by utilizing demographic (sensitive attribute) information during training. However, many sensitive attributes naturally exist in dermatological disease images. If the trained model only targets fairness for a specific attribute, it remains unfair for other attributes. Moreover, training a model that can accommodate multiple sensitive attributes is impractical due to privacy concerns. To overcome this, we propose a method enabling fair predictions for sensitive attributes during the testing phase without using such information during training. Inspired by prior work highlighting the impact of feature entanglement on fairness, we enhance the model features by capturing the features related to the sensitive and target attributes and regularizing the feature entanglement between corresponding classes. This ensures that the model can only classify based on the features related to the target attribute without relying on features associated with sensitive attributes, thereby improving fairness and accuracy. Additionally, we use disease masks from the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to enhance the quality of the learned feature. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can improve fairness in classification compared to state-of-the-art methods in two dermatological disease datasets.


著者 Ching-Hao Chiu,Yu-Jen Chen,Yawen Wu,Yiyu Shi,Tsung-Yi Ho
発行日 2024-01-16 02:49:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク