Robot Vulnerability and the Elicitation of User Empathy


この論文では、ロボットの感情的な物語が人間の観察者の共感を引き出す能力にどのような影響を与えるかを調査した、被験者間の Amazon Mechanical Turk 研究 (n = 220) について説明します。
その後、完全な研究では、ロボットは 3 つの異なる感情的な物語戦略 (面白い、悲しい、中立的) のうちの 1 つを使用し、相互作用の過程で買い物タスクの機能が低下しました。


This paper describes a between-subjects Amazon Mechanical Turk study (n = 220) that investigated how a robot’s affective narrative influences its ability to elicit empathy in human observers. We first conducted a pilot study to develop and validate the robot’s affective narratives. Then, in the full study, the robot used one of three different affective narrative strategies (funny, sad, neutral) while becoming less functional at its shopping task over the course of the interaction. As the functionality of the robot degraded, participants were repeatedly asked if they were willing to help the robot. The results showed that conveying a sad narrative significantly influenced the participants’ willingness to help the robot throughout the interaction and determined whether participants felt empathetic toward the robot throughout the interaction. Furthermore, a higher amount of past experience with robots also increased the participants’ willingness to help the robot. This work suggests that affective narratives can be useful in short-term interactions that benefit from emotional connections between humans and robots.


著者 Morten Roed Frederiksen,Katrin Fischer,Maja Matarić
発行日 2024-01-05 07:35:29+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク