Complex systems approach to natural language


量的言語学における複雑性に関連した 3 つの主な研究トレンドを取り上げます。
2 番目の部分では、書かれたテキスト内のさまざまな種類の相関関係を研究するために使用される、時系列分析にヒントを得た方法を紹介します。
これらの系列は、長距離相関や (マルチ) フラクタル構造など、複雑なシステムによって生成される信号によく見られる特徴を開発していることがわかりました。
3 番目の部分では、特にいわゆる単語隣接ネットワークの文脈において、自然言語へのネットワーク形式主義の適用が検討されます。
ネットワーク アプローチは、単語の関連付けの構成を表すために適用することもできます。


The review summarizes the main methodological concepts used in studying natural language from the perspective of complexity science and documents their applicability in identifying both universal and system-specific features of language in its written representation. Three main complexity-related research trends in quantitative linguistics are covered. The first part addresses the issue of word frequencies in texts and demonstrates that taking punctuation into consideration restores scaling whose violation in the Zipf’s law is often observed for the most frequent words. The second part introduces methods inspired by time series analysis, used in studying various kinds of correlations in written texts. The related time series are generated on the basis of text partition into sentences or into phrases between consecutive punctuation marks. It turns out that these series develop features often found in signals generated by complex systems, like long-range correlations or (multi)fractal structures. Moreover, it appears that the distances between punctuation marks comply with the discrete variant of the Weibull distribution. In the third part, the application of the network formalism to natural language is reviewed, particularly in the context of the so-called word-adjacency networks. Parameters characterizing topology of such networks can be used for classification of texts, for example, from a stylometric perspective. Network approach can also be applied to represent the organization of word associations. Structure of word-association networks turns out to be significantly different from that observed in random networks, revealing genuine properties of language. Finally, punctuation seems to have a significant impact not only on the language’s information-carrying ability but also on its key statistical properties, hence it is recommended to consider punctuation marks on a par with words.


著者 Tomasz Stanisz,Stanisław Drożdż,Jarosław Kwapień
発行日 2024-01-05 12:01:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, physics.soc-ph, stat.AP パーマリンク