Perceptions of Humanoid Robots in Caregiving: A Study of Skilled Nursing Home and Long Term Care Administrators


そのような手段の 1 つは、65 歳以上の人々の社会的、感情的、身体的健康をケアするための人型ロボットの使用です。介護における人型ロボットに対する熟練した長期介護老人ホーム管理者の視点を理解することは、彼らの洞察が介護サービスの導入を形作る上で非常に重要です。
この著者らは、老人ホーム施設での人型ロボットの使用についての彼らの見解を理解するために、老人ホーム幹部 269 名を対象に調査を行いました。


As the aging population increases and the shortage of healthcare workers increases, the need to examine other means for caring for the aging population increases. One such means is the use of humanoid robots to care for social, emotional, and physical wellbeing of the people above 65. Understanding skilled and long term care nursing home administrators’ perspectives on humanoid robots in caregiving is crucial as their insights shape the implementation of robots and their potential impact on resident well-being and quality of life. This authors surveyed two hundred and sixty nine nursing homes executives to understand their perspectives on the use of humanoid robots in their nursing home facilities. The data was coded and results revealed that the executives were keen on exploring other avenues for care such as robotics that would enhance their nursing homes abilities to care for their residents. Qualitative analysis reveals diverse perspectives on integrating humanoid robots in nursing homes. While acknowledging benefits like improved engagement and staff support, concerns persist about costs, impacts on human interaction, and doubts about robot effectiveness. This highlights complex barriers financial, technical, and human and emphasizes the need for strategic implementation. It underscores the importance of thorough training, role clarity, and showcasing technology benefits to ensure efficiency and satisfaction among staff and residents.


著者 Rana Imtiaz,Arshia Khan
発行日 2024-01-04 07:26:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CY, cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク