Robust Control Barrier Functions using Uncertainty Estimation with Application to Mobile Robots




Model uncertainty poses a significant challenge to the implementation of safety-critical control systems. With this as motivation, this paper proposes a safe control design approach that guarantees the robustness of nonlinear feedback systems in the presence of matched or unmatched unmodelled system dynamics and external disturbances. Our approach couples control barrier functions (CBFs) with a new uncertainty/disturbance estimator to ensure robust safety against input and state-dependent model uncertainties. We prove upper bounds on the estimator’s error and estimated outputs. We use an uncertainty estimator-based composite feedback control law to adaptively improve robust control performance under hard safety constraints by compensating for the matched uncertainty. Then, we robustify existing CBF constraints with this uncertainty estimate and the estimation error bounds to ensure robust safety via a quadratic program (CBF-QP). We also extend our method to higher-order CBFs (HOCBFs) to achieve safety under unmatched uncertainty, which causes relative degree differences with respect to control input and disturbance. We assume the relative degree difference is at most one, resulting in a second-order cone (SOC) condition. The proposed robust HOCBFs method is demonstrated in a simulation of an uncertain elastic actuator control problem. Finally, the efficacy of our method is experimentally demonstrated on a tracked robot with slope-induced matched and unmatched perturbations.


著者 Ersin Das,Joel W. Burdick
発行日 2024-01-03 18:42:22+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク