Towards a Simultaneous and Granular Identity-Expression Control in Personalized Face Generation


アイデンティティと表現は絡み合っているため、それらを 1 つのフレームワーク内で個別かつ正確に制御することは自明ではないため、まだ検討されていません。
これを克服するために、アイデンティティと式エンコーダーのバランスをとること、中間点サンプリングの改善、明示的なバックグラウンド コンディショニングなど、条件付き拡散モデルでいくつかの革新的な設計を提案します。


In human-centric content generation, the pre-trained text-to-image models struggle to produce user-wanted portrait images, which retain the identity of individuals while exhibiting diverse expressions. This paper introduces our efforts towards personalized face generation. To this end, we propose a novel multi-modal face generation framework, capable of simultaneous identity-expression control and more fine-grained expression synthesis. Our expression control is so sophisticated that it can be specialized by the fine-grained emotional vocabulary. We devise a novel diffusion model that can undertake the task of simultaneously face swapping and reenactment. Due to the entanglement of identity and expression, it’s nontrivial to separately and precisely control them in one framework, thus has not been explored yet. To overcome this, we propose several innovative designs in the conditional diffusion model, including balancing identity and expression encoder, improved midpoint sampling, and explicitly background conditioning. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the controllability and scalability of the proposed framework, in comparison with state-of-the-art text-to-image, face swapping, and face reenactment methods.


著者 Renshuai Liu,Bowen Ma,Wei Zhang,Zhipeng Hu,Changjie Fan,Tangjie Lv,Yu Ding,Xuan Cheng
発行日 2024-01-02 13:28:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク