Generation Of Colors using Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory Networks


人間の視覚は、識別可能な色合いが 200 万から 700 万と推定される広大な色を区別できます。
この目標を達成するために、アクティブ ラーニングを備えた双方向長短期記憶 (BiLSTM) ネットワークを利用する新しいモデルが開発されました。
この研究は、厳密な実験と分析を通じて、さまざまな業界における自然言語処理 (NLP) アプリケーションの有望な道を明らかにしています。
広大な色のスペクトルの探索を容易にすることで、NLP の潜在的な応用範囲が従来の境界を超えて拡張されます。


Human vision can distinguish between a vast spectrum of colours, estimated to be between 2 to 7 million discernible shades. However, this impressive range does not inherently imply that all these colours have been precisely named and described within our lexicon. We often associate colours with familiar objects and concepts in our daily lives. This research endeavors to bridge the gap between our visual perception of countless shades and our ability to articulate and name them accurately. A novel model has been developed to achieve this goal, leveraging Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) networks with Active learning. This model operates on a proprietary dataset meticulously curated for this study. The primary objective of this research is to create a versatile tool for categorizing and naming previously unnamed colours or identifying intermediate shades that elude traditional colour terminology. The findings underscore the potential of this innovative approach in revolutionizing our understanding of colour perception and language. Through rigorous experimentation and analysis, this study illuminates a promising avenue for Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications in diverse industries. By facilitating the exploration of the vast colour spectrum the potential applications of NLP are extended beyond conventional boundaries.


著者 A. Sinha
発行日 2023-12-31 15:21:23+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク