Completeness of Atomic Structure Representations


しかし、点群を表現するために一般的に使用される記述子の一部、特に原子スケールでの物質の既存の ML モデルのほとんどを支える近傍密度の離散化相関に基づく記述子は、特殊な点群を区別することができません。
私たちは、粒子の三重項の相対的な配置に基づいて \emph{有限} 相関の記述子を構築する新しいアプローチを提案します。これは、近傍離散化の分解能を唯一の要素とする普遍的な近似機能を備えた対称適応モデルの作成に使用できます。


In this paper, we address the challenge of obtaining a comprehensive and symmetric representation of point particle groups, such as atoms in a molecule, which is crucial in physics and theoretical chemistry. The problem has become even more important with the widespread adoption of machine-learning techniques in science, as it underpins the capacity of models to accurately reproduce physical relationships while being consistent with fundamental symmetries and conservation laws. However, some of the descriptors that are commonly used to represent point clouds — most notably those based on discretized correlations of the neighbor density, that underpin most of the existing ML models of matter at the atomic scale — are unable to distinguish between special arrangements of particles in three dimensions. This makes it impossible to machine learn their properties. Atom-density correlations are provably complete in the limit in which they simultaneously describe the mutual relationship between all atoms, which is impractical. We present a novel approach to construct descriptors of \emph{finite} correlations based on the relative arrangement of particle triplets, which can be employed to create symmetry-adapted models with universal approximation capabilities, which have the resolution of the neighbor discretization as the sole convergence parameter. Our strategy is demonstrated on a class of atomic arrangements that are specifically built to defy a broad class of conventional symmetric descriptors, showcasing its potential for addressing their limitations.


著者 Jigyasa Nigam,Sergey N. Pozdnyakov,Kevin K. Huguenin-Dumittan,Michele Ceriotti
発行日 2023-12-30 21:50:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, physics.chem-ph パーマリンク