A Turing Test: Are AI Chatbots Behaviorally Similar to Humans?


私たちは、信頼、公平性、リスク回避、協力、\textit{etc.} などの特性を引き出すように設計された一連の古典的な行動ゲームでチャットボットがどのように動作するか、また伝統的な Big-5 心理学にどのように反応するかを調査します。
ChatGPT-4 は、50 か国以上の数万人の被験者からランダムに抽出した人間と統計的に区別できない行動特性および性格特性を示します。


We administer a Turing Test to AI Chatbots. We examine how Chatbots behave in a suite of classic behavioral games that are designed to elicit characteristics such as trust, fairness, risk-aversion, cooperation, \textit{etc.}, as well as how they respond to a traditional Big-5 psychological survey that measures personality traits. ChatGPT-4 exhibits behavioral and personality traits that are statistically indistinguishable from a random human from tens of thousands of human subjects from more than 50 countries. Chatbots also modify their behavior based on previous experience and contexts “as if” they were learning from the interactions, and change their behavior in response to different framings of the same strategic situation. Their behaviors are often distinct from average and modal human behaviors, in which case they tend to behave on the more altruistic and cooperative end of the distribution. We estimate that they act as if they are maximizing an average of their own and partner’s payoffs.


著者 Qiaozhu Mei,Yutong Xie,Walter Yuan,Matthew O. Jackson
発行日 2024-01-01 18:43:29+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: 91, cs.AI, J.4 パーマリンク