BBScore: A Brownian Bridge Based Metric for Assessing Text Coherence


神経コヒーレンス モデリングの最近の進歩は、エンティティのコリファレンスと談話関係を捕捉する際の有効性を実証し、それによってコヒーレンス評価を強化しています。
この抽象的な関係を調査するために、テキストの一貫性を評価するためのブラウン ブリッジ理論に基づいた新しい参照不要の指標である「BBScore」を紹介します。
私たちの調査結果は、この指標が単純な追加の分類コンポーネントと相乗すると、標準的な人工識別タスクにおける最先端の技術に匹敵するパフォーマンス レベルを達成することを示しています。


Measuring the coherence of text is a vital aspect of evaluating the quality of written content. Recent advancements in neural coherence modeling have demonstrated their efficacy in capturing entity coreference and discourse relations, thereby enhancing coherence evaluation. However, many existing methods heavily depend on static embeddings or focus narrowly on nearby context, constraining their capacity to measure the overarching coherence of long texts. In this paper, we posit that coherent texts inherently manifest a sequential and cohesive interplay among sentences, effectively conveying the central theme, purpose, or standpoint. To explore this abstract relationship, we introduce the ‘BBScore,’ a novel reference-free metric grounded in Brownian bridge theory for assessing text coherence. Our findings showcase that when synergized with a simple additional classification component, this metric attains a performance level comparable to state-of-the-art techniques on standard artificial discrimination tasks. We also establish in downstream tasks that this metric effectively differentiates between human-written documents and text generated by large language models under a specific domain. Furthermore, we illustrate the efficacy of this approach in detecting written styles attributed to diverse large language models, underscoring its potential for generalizability. In summary, we present a novel Brownian bridge coherence metric capable of measuring both local and global text coherence, while circumventing the need for end-to-end model training. This flexibility allows for its application in various downstream tasks.


著者 Zhecheng Sheng,Tianhao Zhang,Chen Jiang,Dongyeop Kang
発行日 2023-12-28 08:34:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク