Cross Initialization for Personalized Text-to-Image Generation


中でも注目すべき手法は、指定された画像をテキスト埋め込みに反転することでパーソナライズされた画像を生成する Textual Inversion です。
学習された埋め込みの規模は、最初の埋め込みの規模よりも最大 100 倍大きくなる可能性があります。
この方法により、再構成と編集可能性の両方が向上するだけでなく、最適化ステップが 5000 から 320 に削減されます。さらに、正規化項を適用して、学習された埋め込みを初期埋め込みに近づけます。
さらに、私たちの手法の高速バージョンでは、入力画像を約 26 秒でキャプチャでき、再構築と編集可能性の両方の点でベースライン手法を上回っています。


Recently, there has been a surge in face personalization techniques, benefiting from the advanced capabilities of pretrained text-to-image diffusion models. Among these, a notable method is Textual Inversion, which generates personalized images by inverting given images into textual embeddings. However, methods based on Textual Inversion still struggle with balancing the trade-off between reconstruction quality and editability. In this study, we examine this issue through the lens of initialization. Upon closely examining traditional initialization methods, we identified a significant disparity between the initial and learned embeddings in terms of both scale and orientation. The scale of the learned embedding can be up to 100 times greater than that of the initial embedding. Such a significant change in the embedding could increase the risk of overfitting, thereby compromising the editability. Driven by this observation, we introduce a novel initialization method, termed Cross Initialization, that significantly narrows the gap between the initial and learned embeddings. This method not only improves both reconstruction and editability but also reduces the optimization steps from 5000 to 320. Furthermore, we apply a regularization term to keep the learned embedding close to the initial embedding. We show that when combined with Cross Initialization, this regularization term can effectively improve editability. We provide comprehensive empirical evidence to demonstrate the superior performance of our method compared to the baseline methods. Notably, in our experiments, Cross Initialization is the only method that successfully edits an individual’s facial expression. Additionally, a fast version of our method allows for capturing an input image in roughly 26 seconds, while surpassing the baseline methods in terms of both reconstruction and editability. Code will be made publicly available.


著者 Lianyu Pang,Jian Yin,Haoran Xie,Qiping Wang,Qing Li,Xudong Mao
発行日 2023-12-26 06:49:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク