CaptainCook4D: A dataset for understanding errors in procedural activities


この目的を達成するために、実際のキッチン環境でレシピを実行する人々の 384 件の記録 (94.5 時間) からなる新しい自己中心的な 4D データセット、CaptainCook4D を収集します。
このデータセットは、参加者が提供されたレシピの指示に従うアクティビティと、参加者が逸脱してエラーを誘発するアクティビティの 2 つの異なるタイプで構成されています。
5.3K のステップ アノテーションと 10K のきめ細かいアクション アノテーションを提供し、教師ありエラー認識、マルチステップ ローカリゼーション、手順学習のタスクのデータセットをベンチマークします。


Following step-by-step procedures is an essential component of various activities carried out by individuals in their daily lives. These procedures serve as a guiding framework that helps to achieve goals efficiently, whether it is assembling furniture or preparing a recipe. However, the complexity and duration of procedural activities inherently increase the likelihood of making errors. Understanding such procedural activities from a sequence of frames is a challenging task that demands an accurate interpretation of visual information and the ability to reason about the structure of the activity. To this end, we collect a new egocentric 4D dataset, CaptainCook4D, comprising 384 recordings (94.5 hours) of people performing recipes in real kitchen environments. This dataset consists of two distinct types of activity: one in which participants adhere to the provided recipe instructions and another in which they deviate and induce errors. We provide 5.3K step annotations and 10K fine-grained action annotations and benchmark the dataset for the following tasks: supervised error recognition, multistep localization, and procedure learning


著者 Rohith Peddi,Shivvrat Arya,Bharath Challa,Likhitha Pallapothula,Akshay Vyas,Jikai Wang,Qifan Zhang,Vasundhara Komaragiri,Eric Ragan,Nicholas Ruozzi,Yu Xiang,Vibhav Gogate
発行日 2023-12-22 09:29:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク