DomainForensics: Exposing Face Forgery across Domains via Bi-directional Adaptation


DomainForensics と呼ばれる私たちのソリューションは、既知の偽造者から新しい偽造者に偽造知識を移転することを目的としています。
順方向適応では、ソース ドメインでディープフェイク検出器の教師ありトレーニングを実行し、敵対的特徴適応を共同で使用して、操作された顔を検出する能力を既知の偽造から新しい偽造に移行します。


Recent DeepFake detection methods have shown excellent performance on public datasets but are significantly degraded on new forgeries. Solving this problem is important, as new forgeries emerge daily with the continuously evolving generative techniques. Many efforts have been made for this issue by seeking the commonly existing traces empirically on data level. In this paper, we rethink this problem and propose a new solution from the unsupervised domain adaptation perspective. Our solution, called DomainForensics, aims to transfer the forgery knowledge from known forgeries to new forgeries. Unlike recent efforts, our solution does not focus on data view but on learning strategies of DeepFake detectors to capture the knowledge of new forgeries through the alignment of domain discrepancies. In particular, unlike the general domain adaptation methods which consider the knowledge transfer in the semantic class category, thus having limited application, our approach captures the subtle forgery traces. We describe a new bi-directional adaptation strategy dedicated to capturing the forgery knowledge across domains. Specifically, our strategy considers both forward and backward adaptation, to transfer the forgery knowledge from the source domain to the target domain in forward adaptation and then reverse the adaptation from the target domain to the source domain in backward adaptation. In forward adaptation, we perform supervised training for the DeepFake detector in the source domain and jointly employ adversarial feature adaptation to transfer the ability to detect manipulated faces from known forgeries to new forgeries. In backward adaptation, we further improve the knowledge transfer by coupling adversarial adaptation with self-distillation on new forgeries. This enables the detector to expose new forgery features from unlabeled data and avoid forgetting the known knowledge of known…


著者 Qingxuan Lv,Yuezun Li,Junyu Dong,Sheng Chen,Hui Yu,Huiyu Zhou,Shu Zhang
発行日 2023-12-17 10:46:46+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク