Structural Information Guided Multimodal Pre-training for Vehicle-centric Perception



車両のイメージとテキストのペアと非ペアのサンプル間の類似性に基づいて CLIP ビッグ モデルから抽出されたより包括的な知識がさらに考慮され、車両をより深く理解できるようになります。
Autobot1M と呼ばれるモデルを事前トレーニングするために大規模なデータセットが構築されており、これには約 100 万枚の車両画像と 12,693 個のテキスト情報が含まれています。
4 つの車両ベースの下流タスクに関する広範な実験により、VehicleMAE の有効性が完全に検証されました。
ソース コードと事前トレーニングされたモデルは でリリースされます。


Understanding vehicles in images is important for various applications such as intelligent transportation and self-driving system. Existing vehicle-centric works typically pre-train models on large-scale classification datasets and then fine-tune them for specific downstream tasks. However, they neglect the specific characteristics of vehicle perception in different tasks and might thus lead to sub-optimal performance. To address this issue, we propose a novel vehicle-centric pre-training framework called VehicleMAE, which incorporates the structural information including the spatial structure from vehicle profile information and the semantic structure from informative high-level natural language descriptions for effective masked vehicle appearance reconstruction. To be specific, we explicitly extract the sketch lines of vehicles as a form of the spatial structure to guide vehicle reconstruction. The more comprehensive knowledge distilled from the CLIP big model based on the similarity between the paired/unpaired vehicle image-text sample is further taken into consideration to help achieve a better understanding of vehicles. A large-scale dataset is built to pre-train our model, termed Autobot1M, which contains about 1M vehicle images and 12693 text information. Extensive experiments on four vehicle-based downstream tasks fully validated the effectiveness of our VehicleMAE. The source code and pre-trained models will be released at


著者 Xiao Wang,Wentao Wu,Chenglong Li,Zhicheng Zhao,Zhe Chen,Yukai Shi,Jin Tang
発行日 2023-12-15 14:10:21+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク