WIT-UAS: A Wildland-fire Infrared Thermal Dataset to Detect Crew Assets From Aerial Views


規定された原野火災環境における乗組員および車両資産の長波赤外線センシングのための原野火災赤外線熱 (WIT-UAS) データセットを紹介します。
2 つの関連データ サブセットを紹介します。WIT-UAS-ROS は、火災上空を飛行する UAS のセンサーとロボットのデータを含む完全な ROS バッグ ファイルで構成され、WIT-UAS-Image には、手動でラベル付けされた長波赤外線 (LWIR) 画像が含まれています。
データセット、コード、事前トレーニング済みモデルは \url{https://github.com/castacks/WIT-UAS-Dataset} で入手できます。


We present the Wildland-fire Infrared Thermal (WIT-UAS) dataset for long-wave infrared sensing of crew and vehicle assets amidst prescribed wildland fire environments. While such a dataset is crucial for safety monitoring in wildland fire applications, to the authors’ awareness, no such dataset focusing on assets near fire is publicly available. Presumably, this is due to the barrier to entry of collaborating with fire management personnel. We present two related data subsets: WIT-UAS-ROS consists of full ROS bag files containing sensor and robot data of UAS flight over the fire, and WIT-UAS-Image contains hand-labeled long-wave infrared (LWIR) images extracted from WIT-UAS-ROS. Our dataset is the first to focus on asset detection in a wildland fire environment. We show that thermal detection models trained without fire data frequently detect false positives by classifying fire as people. By adding our dataset to training, we show that the false positive rate is reduced significantly. Yet asset detection in wildland fire environments is still significantly more challenging than detection in urban environments, due to dense obscuring trees, greater heat variation, and overbearing thermal signal of the fire. We publicize this dataset to encourage the community to study more advanced models to tackle this challenging environment. The dataset, code and pretrained models are available at \url{https://github.com/castacks/WIT-UAS-Dataset}.


著者 Andrew Jong,Mukai Yu,Devansh Dhrafani,Siva Kailas,Brady Moon,Katia Sycara,Sebastian Scherer
発行日 2023-12-14 17:29:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク