Acceptance and Trust: Drivers’ First Contact with Released Automated Vehicles in Naturalistic Traffic


この研究では、EQS のメルセデス・ベンツ ドライブ パイロットに焦点を当て、実際の交通状況下でドライバーが SAE レベル 3 自動運転システム (ADS) に最初に接触した場合の影響を調査します。
この調査は、レベル 3 ADS に慣れていない 30 人の参加者を対象に、ドイツの州間高速道路の一部で実施されました。
期待パフォーマンス、期待努力、促進状態、自己効力感、および車両を使用する行動意図などの要素は、ADS との最初の接触後により高く評価されました。
しかし、ADS から人間のドライバーへの不適切な通信が検出され、動作モードの誤用や混乱を防ぐために通信を改善する必要性が浮き彫りになりました。
全体的に好意的な評価があり、ファーストコンタクト後は上昇傾向を示しましたが、ADS は手動運転と同様に厳しいものであるとも認識されていました。


This study investigates the impact of initial contact of drivers with an SAE Level 3 Automated Driving System (ADS) under real traffic conditions, focusing on the Mercedes-Benz Drive Pilot in the EQS. It examines Acceptance, Trust, Usability, and User Experience. Although previous studies in simulated environments provided insights into human-automation interaction, real-world experiences can differ significantly. The research was conducted on a segment of German interstate with 30 participants lacking familiarity with Level 3 ADS. Pre- and post-driving questionnaires were used to assess changes in acceptance and confidence. Supplementary metrics included post-driving ratings for usability and user experience. Findings reveal a significant increase in acceptance and trust following the first contact, confirming results from prior simulator studies. Factors such as Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Facilitating Condition, Self-Efficacy, and Behavioral Intention to use the vehicle were rated higher after initial contact with the ADS. However, inadequate communication from the ADS to the human driver was detected, highlighting the need for improved communication to prevent misuse or confusion about the operating mode. Contrary to prior research, we found no significant impact of general attitudes towards technological innovation on acceptance and trust. However, it’s worth noting that most participants already had a high affinity for technology. Although overall reception was positive and showed an upward trend post first contact, the ADS was also perceived as demanding as manual driving. Future research should focus on a more diverse participant sample and include longer or multiple real-traffic trips to understand behavioral adaptations over time.


著者 Sarah Schwindt-Drews,Kai Storms,Steven Peters,Bettina Abendroth
発行日 2023-12-14 14:07:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク