Receding Horizon Planning with Rule Hierarchies for Autonomous Vehicles


このような競合を解決するために、ルールに重要度のランキングを割り当てる (つまり、ルール階層を課す) ことが提案されています。これにより、ルールが満たすルールの重要性に基づいて軌道上のランキングが誘導されます。
ルール階層とそれに対応するランク維持報酬関数を備え、矛盾する計画要件を効率的に解決できる 2 段階のプランナーを開発します。
私たちは、さまざまな困難な道路ナビゲーションや交差点の交渉シナリオに対して、私たちのアプローチが約 7 ~ 10 Hz で動作計画を生成できることを実証します。


Autonomous vehicles must often contend with conflicting planning requirements, e.g., safety and comfort could be at odds with each other if avoiding a collision calls for slamming the brakes. To resolve such conflicts, assigning importance ranking to rules (i.e., imposing a rule hierarchy) has been proposed, which, in turn, induces rankings on trajectories based on the importance of the rules they satisfy. On one hand, imposing rule hierarchies can enhance interpretability, but introduce combinatorial complexity to planning; while on the other hand, differentiable reward structures can be leveraged by modern gradient-based optimization tools, but are less interpretable and unintuitive to tune. In this paper, we present an approach to equivalently express rule hierarchies as differentiable reward structures amenable to modern gradient-based optimizers, thereby, achieving the best of both worlds. We achieve this by formulating rank-preserving reward functions that are monotonic in the rank of the trajectories induced by the rule hierarchy; i.e., higher ranked trajectories receive higher reward. Equipped with a rule hierarchy and its corresponding rank-preserving reward function, we develop a two-stage planner that can efficiently resolve conflicting planning requirements. We demonstrate that our approach can generate motion plans in ~7-10 Hz for various challenging road navigation and intersection negotiation scenarios.


著者 Sushant Veer,Karen Leung,Ryan Cosner,Yuxiao Chen,Peter Karkus,Marco Pavone
発行日 2023-12-13 02:42:57+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク