How Does Perception Affect Safety: New Metrics and Strategy


さらに、知覚メトリクスに基づいた人間とロボットのコラボレーションの安全性のための 2 つの新しいメトリクス、重大衝突確率 (CCP) と平均衝突確率 (ACP) を導入します。
実験結果は、物体検出器にこの戦略を実装すると、推論時間で最大 30.091%、フレームあたりの合計時間で 26.534% の削減が得られることを示しています。
さらに、この戦略により、ベースライン モデルの CCP と ACP がそれぞれ 11.252% と 13.501% 低下します。


Perception serves as a critical component in the functionality of autonomous agents. However, the intricate relationship between perception metrics and robotic metrics remains unclear, leading to ambiguity in the development and fine-tuning of perception algorithms. In this paper, we introduce a methodology for quantifying this relationship, taking into account factors such as detection rate, detection quality, and latency. Furthermore, we introduce two novel metrics for Human-Robot Collaboration safety predicated upon perception metrics: Critical Collision Probability (CCP) and Average Collision Probability (ACP). To validate the utility of these metrics in facilitating algorithm development and tuning, we develop an attentive processing strategy that focuses exclusively on key input features. This approach significantly reduces computational time while preserving a similar level of accuracy. Experimental results indicate that the implementation of this strategy in an object detector leads to a maximum reduction of 30.091% in inference time and 26.534% in total time per frame. Additionally, the strategy lowers the CCP and ACP in a baseline model by 11.252% and 13.501%, respectively. The source code will be made publicly available in the final proof version of the manuscript.


著者 Xiaotong Zhang,Jinger Chong,Kamal Youcef-Toumi
発行日 2023-12-12 21:22:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク