Linear-Time Modeling of Linguistic Structure: An Order-Theoretic Perspective


このようなタスクは一般に、トークンのペアごとの徹底的な比較を必要とするため、文字列の長さの実行時の複雑さは 2 次になります。
さらに、私たちの方法の線形複雑さと並列性により、グラフベースの共参照解決モデルの速度が 2 倍になり、グラフベースの依存関係パーサーと比較して 10 倍の高速化がもたらされます。


Tasks that model the relation between pairs of tokens in a string are a vital part of understanding natural language. Such tasks, in general, require exhaustive pair-wise comparisons of tokens, thus having a quadratic runtime complexity in the length of the string. We show that these exhaustive comparisons can be avoided, and, moreover, the complexity of such tasks can be reduced to linear by casting the relation between tokens as a partial order over the string. Our method predicts real numbers for each token in a string in parallel and sorts the tokens accordingly, resulting in total orders of the tokens in the string. Each total order implies a set of arcs oriented from smaller to greater tokens, sorted by their predicted numbers. The intersection of total orders results in a partial order over the set of tokens in the string, which is then decoded into a directed graph representing the desired linguistic structure. Our experiments on dependency parsing and coreference resolution show that our method achieves state-of-the-art or comparable performance. Moreover, the linear complexity and parallelism of our method double the speed of graph-based coreference resolution models, and bring a 10-times speed-up over graph-based dependency parsers.


著者 Tianyu Liu,Afra Amini,Mrinmaya Sachan,Ryan Cotterell
発行日 2023-12-12 08:46:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク