Overcoming Generic Knowledge Loss with Selective Parameter Update


私たちの方法では、代表的なコントロールセットの精度で 0.9% という無視できる低下で、トレーニング前の知識を維持しながら、新たに学習したタスクの精度が最大 7% 向上しました。


Foundation models encompass an extensive knowledge base and offer remarkable transferability. However, this knowledge becomes outdated or insufficient over time. The challenge lies in continuously updating foundation models to accommodate novel information while retaining their original capabilities. Leveraging the fact that foundation models have initial knowledge on various tasks and domains, we propose a novel approach that, instead of updating all parameters equally, localizes the updates to a sparse set of parameters relevant to the task being learned. We strike a balance between efficiency and new task performance, while maintaining the transferability and generalizability of foundation models. We extensively evaluate our method on foundational vision-language models with a diverse spectrum of continual learning tasks. Our method achieves improvements on the accuracy of the newly learned tasks up to 7% while preserving the pretraining knowledge with a negligible decrease of 0.9% on a representative control set accuracy.


著者 Wenxuan Zhang,Paul Janson,Rahaf Aljundi,Mohamed Elhoseiny
発行日 2023-12-06 13:46:05+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク