Gravitational cell detection and tracking in fluorescence microscopy data


顕微鏡画像内の細胞の自動検出と追跡は、生物医学研究と臨床実践の両方におけるコンピューター ビジョン テクノロジの主な用途です。
この方法には、検出、セグメンテーション、および追跡要素が含まれており、その結果は Cell Tracking Challenge データセットで実証されています。


Automatic detection and tracking of cells in microscopy images are major applications of computer vision technologies in both biomedical research and clinical practice. Though machine learning methods are increasingly common in these fields, classical algorithms still offer significant advantages for both tasks, including better explainability, faster computation, lower hardware requirements and more consistent performance. In this paper, we present a novel approach based on gravitational force fields that can compete with, and potentially outperform modern machine learning models when applied to fluorescence microscopy images. This method includes detection, segmentation, and tracking elements, with the results demonstrated on a Cell Tracking Challenge dataset.


著者 Nikomidisz Eftimiu,Michal Kozubek
発行日 2023-12-06 14:08:05+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, I.4.6, q-bio.CB パーマリンク